Kudos to Caden Black, Lone Star Leadership Academy Alumni Council third year member, for being recognized in Azleway Boys Ranch’s spring 2017 magazine! For his 2016-2017 Alumni Council service project, “Hooked on Books”, Caden collected more than 1,000 books which he donated to Azleway Boys Ranch, an organization that has been restoring lives and relationships of children in crisis since 1979. For his first two service projects (2014-2015 and 2015-2016) Caden collected food and clothing for his community’s pantry. In addition, Caden has earned Education in Action’s Trailblazer designation by participating in all three Lone Star Leadership Academy camps. We are so proud of this Lone Star Leader! Read the full article recognizing Caden’s work!
Alumni Spotlight: Caden Black, 3rd year Lone Star Leadership Academy Alumni Council Member