Recognize Your Outstanding Student Leaders!
Nominate outstanding 3rd-8th graders to receive the Lone Star Leader Award!

Nominating Educators Receive:
- Lone Star Leader Award certificates to recognize nominees at school's end of Year Awards Ceremonies
- This year's Dolly the Dolphin mascot plushy if nominate 10 or more outstanding students
- Dolly the Dolphin and Lone Star Leader t-shirt if nominate 20 or more outstanding students
- Invitation to represent your school on Education in Action's Board of Educators

Each Nominee Receives:
- A personalized Lone Star Leader Award Certificate of Recognition
- An invitation to apply to join delegations of other outstanding young Texas leaders at a Lone Star Leadership Academy summer camp.
- “The experience taught me a lot about leadership and myself and boosted my confidence as a leader. I am striving to be better and set my goals higher. Thank you for this once in a lifetime experience.” - Christy Z., Ballinger ISD - Nominating teacher: Ms. Jennifer Cullen
Lone Star Leadership Academy Summer Camp
Each of your nominees are eligible to attend Education in Action's Lone Star Leadership Academy summer camps. Your nomination fulfills the required educator recommendation to participate in this program.
Participants: Gain experience for their academic resumes, experience significant Texas sites in Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin/San Antonio, and/or Houston/Galveston, develop leadership skills in leadership groups with certified Texas educators, and make new friends with high-achieving students from across the state!
Part-time summer employment opportunity for certified Texas teachers!
Get paid to experience important Texas sites and work with high-achieving students from across Texas! Become a Lone Star Leadership Academy summer camp facilitator! Learn more. Meet the team!
Education in Action is a 501(c)(3)nonprofit dedicated to empowering young people to be informed and active leaders in their communities.