Combining strategies mentioned above
Tristan created his own flyer called Triscuiteen Rabbit Service and distributed it around the neighborhood. Neighbors hired him to water their plants while they were out of town and move trash cans to the curb weekly. A realtor had him hang door hangers to help market his business. He also helped a friend who lives on a farm for the day with horses and chickens and mowing the lawn. We also reached out to community organizations using the sponsorship letter provided and set up a GoFundMe account. We taught him that if he really wanted to go that he would put the effort in like leaders do to get the results and be able to participate!
Crae worked with four other Lone Star Leadership Academy students and hosted a concession stand at youth soccer games during the fall to earn money to attend. He also refereed soccer games for younger players. In addition, he submitted a request for support to his school's PTO.
We passed out flyers we made up, contacted local businesses, sold candy bars, set up a You Caring fund and shared on Facebook, and made jars to be placed at businesses for donations. We raised all of his money and the deposit for next year :).
We got donations from family. We also had a bake sale which raised a lot of the funds needed.
We raised funds by setting up a GoFundMe account. We also received donations from a local Lion’s Club chapter and from family and friends.
We started our fundraising journey by setting up a GoFundMe account. After that we went to our local chamber of commerce to get names and addresses of local organizations to whom we could send sponsorship letters.
Kaden raised funds to help pay for his camp by creating a GoFundMe account, selling items on 5Miles and OfferUp apps, and babysitting a four-year-old boy. The family ended up liking Kaden so much that he is now their go-to babysitter!
Kylie raised funds by asking friends and family to donate to her camp cost in lieu of birthday gifts, holding a car wash, doing odd jobs, and babysitting.
Nathaniel set up a GoFundMe account and used social media to spread the word. He also organized a garage sale at our home which raised approximately $180 in additional funds. We as parents decided that if he raised half we would provide the other half, and he was able to collect approximately $650.
Our son held a number of bake sales in order to raise funds for his camp experience, but he was also fortunate to have the school's PTO donate a good portion of his tuition. They made their decision based on his exemplary grades and helpful attitude at the school campus.
Our son sold smoked briskets and pork shoulders. He created a flyer, contacted people for sales, and recorded orders. He assisted his father in smoking over 300 lbs of meat in one night! The following day, he delivered and collected money. Many people were so impressed with his "professionalism" that they donated extra for his trip. He was able to offset about two-thirds of the cost of registration and preparation for the trip.
Jack was determined to attend the camp after he found out he was nominated by his TMSCA coach. He used crowdfunding by starting a page. He also approached businesses to ask for sponsorship, including a local hospital and the local Microsoft store where he had attended YouthSpark camps. He also approached his school counselor to see if the PTA or school district might have any scholarships for which he could apply. Through these efforts, he was able to raise 100% of his own funds to attend camp this year.
He received support from a scholarship thanks to his efforts in school and his participation in the clubs after school. He wrote letters to his teachers and his principal, explaining why he needed the scholarship and how pleased he would be able to attend to the camp. He worked in the summer mowing the yards in our neighborhood. We are very grateful for all the support they all gave him and for all the companies who provided donations.
She raised ALL the funds on her own! I told her the only way this camp would happen was if she worked hard and proved she really wanted to attend. She wrote a letter to mail with her school picture and nomination certificate! We mailed these letters of request to several folks and businesses in the community. We also asked family and friends through a GoFundMe account. We were able to raise the funds within two months. I was truly impressed at her willingness to go the extra mile to get this done in the time she had!
The last two years of our daughter participating in leadership camp we raised the money by sending out letters to local businesses and organizations. Our school family pitched in with individuals sponsoring our daughter as well. This past year we also held a bake sale to help raise the money for her to attend. Our little community has been amazing in supporting our daughter in this once in a lifetime experience.
Over $500 was raised via a crowdfunding webpage and my high school alumni group donated the rest.
When we first got the letter for my child's nomination I thought I was not going to be able to afford for my child to go. However, since my child wasn't the only child in her school that was going, the parents got together with the school to fundraise. We started with Peter Piper Pizza coupon books then asked the school if we could sell stuff after school and at PTA meetings and held a dance with help from the PTA. With all of that fundraising, we were able to pay for five students, buy them all sleeping bags, and give them money to spend for their time there.
We used the suggested donor letter and mailed to companies with which we were familiar. We also collected donated items and held a garage sale.
After reading the fundraising information provided on the Education in Action website, we revised the funding request letter to fit our child. She talked to one set of her grandparents who offered to match any funds she raised toward her camp costs. We then decided to start with the local businesses and then more family.
My husband helped my daughter schedule appointments with the presidents of the two banks where she has savings accounts. I helped her practice what she might say to the bank executives and took her to her appointments. At the first bank, the president gave her a donation of $100 and also offered for her to hold a bake sale in the bank's lobby to raise additional funds. At the second bank, the president gave her a donation of $100 and told her if she had any other fundraisers, like bake sales, to let him know and he would send the bank staff to shop. After these two successes, we began to plan a bake sale. Both of her grandmothers, several family friends, and I baked items for the bake sale. We scheduled it for a Monday morning that she didn't have school in the lobby of one of the banks. It was a phenomenal success. She raised over $800 between 9:00 and 12:00 pm in a small-town bank lobby. Her entire camp experience was easily paid for through her fundraising efforts and she was able to make a donation to a group of girls from our area who were also raising money for Education in Action camps. She had the growth experience of meeting with two bank executives and presenting her case requesting funding support. She ran the bake sale and provided customer service to each shopper. She wrote thank-you notes to her supporters and is now working on presentations to share with the bank staffs. Because of the sweat equity she had invested in the camp experience, I believe it meant more to her than if I had just written a check.