Nominating Educator FAQs

What's included in my nominees' notification packets?

How should I notify my nominees?

Some educators have their nominees' notification packets mailed to their attention at their school and hold a special event to distribute the nomination notification packets:

  • STUDENT MEETING: You may want to hold a special meeting at school with nominees all together to explain what they're receiving. This is a great way for your nominees to know which other students from their school were nominated.
  • PARENT MEETING: You may want to hold a special parent meeting so parents receive the packets directly. This provides the opportunity for you to celebrate your nominees, share information about the experience for which the students were nominated, and answer any questions. We invite you to share this video at your parent information meeting. It provides an overview of the program for your nominees' parents.

Lone Star Leadership Academy Parent Overview Video

Do schools/districts ever provide financial aid to students for participation in the Lone Star Leadership Academy?

The answer varies from school to school and district to district. Requesting sponsorship from school PTAs and district education foundations is a fundraising idea provided in each nominee's notification packet. If you have numerous nominees, it may benefit them to work together and make a unified request to these groups. Other individual and group fundraising ideas are provided in a Fundraising Guide in each nominees' notification packet.

Are scholarships available?

Yes. Details are available at Financial Aid, but here are some highlights.

  • Gifted and talented students may apply for TAGT scholarships of up to $1,000. (Applications usually due in February each year)
  • Students on free or reduced meal plans may apply for $100 Education in Action scholarships. (Available on a first-come, first-served basis)
  • SYTA Youth Foundation offers scholarships of up to $1,000.

Educators may nominate individual students or groups of students for SYTA Youth Foundation Road Scholarships to attend the Lone Star Leadership Academy.

Do you offer Lone Star Leadership Academy information in spanish?

Yes. Visit our Spanish Documents page for links to Lone Star Leadership Academy documents available in Spanish.

What summer employment opportunities do you offer educators?

Education in Action hires outstanding teachers to work as facilitators on our summer Lone Star Leadership Academy camps. Because of the academic nature of the camps, all facilitators are Texas educators. Maybe you know some of our current summer staff members! Learn more and apply online!