Parent Participation Policy
Discover Texas Field Trips Parent Participation Policy
Education in Action limits the total number of parent chaperones on its ‘Discover Texas Field Trips” to two per 10 students. Additional adults may not participate or drive themselves to the venues due to safety reasons. Should non-participating adults travel to the program site separately from the group, they will not be permitted to join the program or any student group. Education in Action’s Discover Texas Field Trips are closed programs. There are three reasons for this policy:
1. Educational value of program.
Each of the adults on the program has a designated role for the day and has attended a training session. Each adult is responsible for student safety, i.e. counting the students in their group throughout the program each time they move between exhibits, locations, etc. Education in Action has found that the ratio of two adults to 10 students maximizes the experiential learning opportunity for students during the day’s full agenda.
2. Student safety.
Each of the adults registered to participate in the Discover Texas Field Trip has passed a background check that is on file with the school. Adults that are not registered participants may or may not have a background check on file with the school.
3. Liability.
If at any time a student leaves the Education in Action program with a family member who is not a designated adult chaperone for the program, the student will be immediately signed out of the program by the school and becomes the liability of the family member. The student may not return to the group for the remainder of the program.
Education in Action’s Parent Participation Policy, as stated in the school’s contract with Education in Action, is strictly enforced for the benefit and safety of the students.