Keller ISD
Additional Information just for Keller ISD Families
Based in Keller
Education in Action, the organization that puts on the Lone Star Leadership Academy summer camps, is a non-profit educational organization based right here in Keller, TX. Education in Action's office is located at 10200 Alta Vista Rd., Keller, TX 76244.
Camp Lodging in Keller
Lodging for the Lone Star Leadership Academy - Dallas/Fort Worth camp is located at 10200 Alta Vista Rd, Keller, TX 76244, in the same building as Education in Action's office.
Round-Trip Charter Bus Transportation from Keller
Round-trip charter bus transportation to the Lone Star Leadership Academy - Austin/San Antonio and Houston/Galveston camps is available from Keller providing parents with the option to drop-off and pick-up their camper in Keller instead of driving them to the camp location. All passengers are Lone Star Leadership Academy participants or staff members.
252 Keller ISD participants
Since 2002, Keller ISD has been represented on the Lone Star Leadership Academy camp experience 252 times.
Board of Educators Members from Keller ISD
Gayle Barron, Gifted an Talented Specialist at Keller-Harvel and Woodland Springs Elementary Schools and Rebecca Hickman, Instructional Coach at Keller Middle School, both serve on Education in Action's Board of Educators. Rebecca Hickman also works as a Program Director on Lone Star Leadership Academy camps.
Financial Aid, Scholarships for Gifted and Talented Students
The Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented offers scholarships of up to $400 plus one FULL scholarship for gifted and talented students to take part in Lone Star Leadership Academy summer camps. Information on this, and numerous other scholarship and Financial Aid opportunities is available at