Nominate Outstanding Students for the Lone Star Leadership Academy!

Your nominees have the opportunity to join a delegation of distinguished students from across the state in Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin/San Antonio, or Houston/Galveston for a week of fun, learning, leadership development, and visits to unique and significant Texas sites. Participants develop leadership skills, gain insight into future career opportunities, develop friendships with other high-achieving students, and add to their resume of academic achievements. Nominating Educator FAQs / Educators Share: Why I Nominate
“The experience taught me a lot about leadership and myself and boosted my confidence as a leader. I am striving to be better and set my goals higher. Thank you for this once in a lifetime experience.” - Christy Z., Ballinger ISD - Nominating teacher: Ms. Jennifer Cullen
"This camp had such an influence on my daughter and now my son. After each camp, I have seen great improvement in their ability to interact with their peers and in their confidence. Seeing them learn so much and to get so excited about what they learn is great! I really appreciate all that you do."
-Participant's Parent, Keller, TX
"It is an AWESOME way to learn about Texas and its history and it's really fun too! It's also cool to meet other kids from all over. Thanks for the AWESOMELY fun time!!!"
-Participant, Frisco, TX
"What a wonderful program. My son has never been so excited about learning. My son's week at the Dallas/Fort Worth program brought all his history lessons from school to life. He can't wait to go to Austin next summer."
-Participant's Parent, Mansfield, TX