Pre/Post-Field Trip Curriculum
We hope your students are excited about your upcoming 'Water Rocks!' Discover Texas Field Trip! Here are some pre- and post-field trip activities that will help your students get the most out of their experience.
Waco Mammoth National Monument
Virtual Tour of the Waco Mammoth National Monument.
Waco Mammoth National Monument
If you visualize earth’s history along the length of a football field, where would mammoths appear? Watch this video to find out!
Vocabulary Terms
It is important that the students become familiar with the Water Rocks! vocabulary words before the field trip so they can actively participate in activities and get the most out of the experience. We have provided the vocabulary terms, definitions and pictures that will be covered. In addition, we have attached a PDF of the terms and definitions that you can print and share with your class.
Ecosystems Activity
During the Cameron Park Zoo tour, the students will be asked to identify is certain things are biotic or abiotic. They will also discuss the composition of an ecosystem. We have provided a short activity for you to use in your classroom before your trip.
Additional Resources
Waters to the Sea
Animated and interactive videos include: Journey of a Raindrop, Water Cycle, Watershed Address, Streets to Stream
Texas History Challenge
How well do you know Texas History? Welcome to Texas History Challenge! Compete against your friends, family, classmates, and strangers who love Texas history to see who knows their Texas history best. Each month new quizzes are unlocked challenging you on a different topic in Texas history. Students and adults can win prizes monthly and teachers can login and keep track of student’s progress.
TeachingTexas.org brings together diverse resources from partners across the state to support those who teach Texas Studies and to promote awareness of the resources and partners available.